"Let me share a little about us."

About Us
Contact Us -
Call us for a free consultation at:

Our Staff -
Gail Colaco, Professional website designer and photographer.
Robert Colaco,
Service and
Sales Manager.
and President.
Yes, we are an husband and wife team.
Working together and Happily married since 1984.
What's in a Name? -
We believe a name can say a lot about a company. So, we put much thought into what to name our business. Like most small businesses we wanted a name that told people what we were really all about. But, secondly we needed a name that was not already taken as a domain name by some one else.
A big priority for us is "Integrity" in all the things we do.
Main Entry: in·teg·ri·ty
1 : firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility
2 : an unimpaired condition : soundness
3 : the quality or state of being complete or undivided : completeness
synonyms see honesty
Definition from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary
At a time when the Internet is still like the wild west with all kinds of schemes and scams, we wanted our name to clearly state our moral compass is "integrity" and our purpose is to provide solutions for website problems. We think we got both of these with our company name Integrity Website Solutions (TM).
While we purchased the domain name IntegrityWebsiteSolutions.info is not the easiest to remember or to type so we got the additional domain name getIWS.net. This name was easier to remember and type.
So do not be confused our business name is Integrity Website Solutions (TM) you can just get to our website faster using our getIWS.net domain name.
Our History -
We started Integrity Website Solutions (TM) in 2006 because of the growing need we saw for a simple and inexpensive way for churches, organizations and small businesses to get a website up and running.
This is not our first or only business, we have been in business together since 1986 providing Bookkeeping, Payroll and tax services to small business. Our business name for that business is DataCents.net. Also Gail is the webdesigner and Robert is the Founder, Volunteer National Chairman of Citizens For A Better America (R) (CFABA.ORG) a political organization that we started in 1992, to help elect morality and values based candidates, to office in elections all across America.
In fact, our first website was created in 1996 for Citizens For A Better America (R) (CFABA.ORG) . If you can remember back then, the Internet was just getting its baby teeth. We wanted a website for our organization and we didn't have much money to do it with. So, paying someone else to build it was out of the question. Gail taught herself how to build websites and has been designing our websites ever since.
You can do more with a website now then you could in 1996 and the result of all that change is that while more and more businesses and organizations want to get a website up on the Internet it is harder than ever to do it.
Even if you keep it simple you have to find a company to host your site, and a company to buy your domain name from, then either you have to hire a website designer or buy the software to make it your self. While making it yourself either on-line or with software seem like it should not be that hard, it actually can be very frustrating and requires a steep learning curve.
It frustrates us how hard it continues to be to put up a website. You would think it would be easier now, but actually it has gotten harder. Website designing still requires that you learn how to do some coding. Even with the best software, the trick of getting the page to look the way you want it to, can still elude you.
That brings us full circle back to the beginning, and why we started Integrity Website Solutions TM) in the first place. We wanted to put the words 'simple' and 'easy' and 'affordable' into the idea of getting a website.
Our Goal -
We began Integrity Website Solutions (TM) in 2006 with the goal of making it simple, easy and affordable for a small business, church or organization to have a website. We knew from experience that the one big thing that seemed to keep people from having a website for their church or business was designing the actual webpages.
What was missing was an easy and affordable way to get a well designed website.
There are a large number of business that sell domain names some include hosting others sell hosting and included your domain name. There are even some that also offer some sort of website building software, a online service that you used to design your site. This can take you a along way but often not far enough. Most of this software still has a steep learning curve to conquer.
On the other hand there are website design companies that will build your site for you, but they rarely offer you more than that, you still need to get your domain name and hosting service. Most small business owners and churches find going that route is just too expensive. The design companies charge from $1,000 to $5,000 or more to design these sites and designing can take months to complete. And after they hand over the design to you, you still have to find a hosting company, upload that site and maintain it.
Those who can not afford a designer have the option of relying on friends or relatives, or of buying software and learning how to build it themselves. As it says in 'Our History' we took that route ourselves but that is not for everyone. We have found that for most people this is what stops them from getting a website. Having to create the page is just too much to accomplish.
Our goal was to create a business model that solved that problem.
The business model we designed had to have everything in one package. This included hosting, domain name registration and the actual website designing. We think we have accomplished that with our website packages.
We solved the design problem by creating very nice pre-made websites that only needed the customers text added to them. These were not just templates but templates we had pre-designed with just this purpose in mind. This means we do not have to redesign each site that is ordered and this saves you lots of money!
We knew there was a good chance that the customer would not know what to say on their website. If you look at our designs you will see that each page already has text that suggests what content you should place in that location. And if you still need more help we are happy to assist you.
In addition to designing the website we manage everything including the domain name registration and hosting. The simplicity means we can keep the costs down and the customer can get a great website easily and affordable. Why not let us show you how we can help you, contact us today.

Our Portfolio -
are just some of the projects we have done.
For A
Better America (R) CFABA.org

"We think our packages are the most convenient
and affordable way to get a website up and running."
"Why not give us a call today."
us for a no obligation consultation.
1 (818) 574-8911