"It is really easy to order."

Order Now!
Buy your Package..
Complete your Worksheet..
- Simply download a worksheet for the package you want.
- Get step by step help on completing your worksheet.
- Send us your completed Worksheet.
Less then 14 day later..
After it is done..
We want to work closely with you so that you get the website you want. We offer everything from a redirect to your existing website address to a complete custom made website, but our best deals are our pre-packaged websites. If you found a website package that you like, then you can Order by Phone or E-mail. .
Warning -
Our services are not available for website with any "adult content" or
that support the "homosexual lifestyle" including but not limited to
"gay marriage". Also,
we reserve the right to decline any order that conflicts with
our company's moral or ethical standards. For more
standards please see, About Us.
run a family friendly business. While some of our customers
have websites that would be of little interest to a child we
still want them safe for any member of the family to view.
Buy your Package
Call or E-mail us to buy your package:
Call or E-mail us to place an order or to just get more information.
Call us 24/7 in the continental United States at 1-818-574-8911
We are happy to take your order over the phone or by e-mail. We will send you an invoice for the package your wish to order so please include your address information in your e-mail or any phone message. If you wish to speak to someone further just let us know, and include your phone number and best times to call with your message.
Or e-mail us at: GetInfogetIWS
(If you do not see our see our clickable e-mail address then try reloading or refreshing the page and then click to allow "active" or "blocked" content. This is a security feature to stop spam harvesters. This feature is included in our Brochure packages at no extra charge. )
Pay off-line with a Check:
Can I send a check? Yes, we accept payment by check. Call or E-mail us and we will issue you an invoice for you to pay. We can issue that invoice by e-mail or snail mail, which ever you prefer. It is our policy to wait 10 days from the date of deposit for your check to clear, before we begin any work.
Pick your Package
Pick a package size you like:
All you need to place an order is the size of the package you want. If you know the size you want but are having a hard time choosing between 2 or 3 designs, then go ahead and place your order. We will be happy to help you fine tune your decision.
The website design and domain name can be handled when you submit your text worksheet. So, do not feel rushed to decide on a website style or domain name.
See our Products page for more detailed information about what we offer in each package, to view the many pre-designed website layouts we offer.
Still not sure which package or design really is best for you, we are here to help, just give us a call and we will help you discover what design will work best to help you achieve your business and marketing goals. Remember we want to work with you to make your website a success.
Complete your Worksheet.
Simply download a worksheet for the package you want and complete it:
Click on the worksheet that is for the size website you wish to order. To download the text file version you may need to right click on it. It will ask if you wish to save or run. Choose save and save it to a location that you will be able to find it at a later time. You may want to save it to your desktop.
Get help with your worksheet:
While the worksheets are self-explanatory you can get more help about downloading and completing your worksheet at our Worksheet FAQ's page.
Send us your completed Worksheet:
When you are finished with your worksheet send it to us so that we can get started on your website designing.
Less then 14 day later!
We post your site:
After we get your complete text it will take us up to 14 days to set up your site. The amount of time depends on how complicated your content is and the size of your package. Also, it may take longer if we have questions about your content and are waiting for your response.
When your site is ready for you to review we will contact you by the method you listed as your preferred method in the Worksheet you completed.
You review your site:
Any Browser Compatible- We test our site to make sure they are 'Any Browser Compatible'. This is the time to let us know if you think something just does not look right.
It is Live- Once your site is posted it is live and everyone can see it including the search engines, so get your fixes to us as soon as possible. You have 14 days to submit any changes back to us. After that any change you need made will count toward your "One free update".
We make any needed corrections:
We will notify you when your additional changes are updated. It should only take a few days.
Major Changes- By this time there should be no major changes. But, maybe we got it just the way you ordered but you do not like how it looks now that you see it all put together. We can fix that as long as it is not too major. If you need us to really overhaul the layout we may need to charge an extra fee. We will try to avoid that if you will try and avoid a major time consuming revision. If we do have to charge you we will give you a quote first, no surprises.
When we are finished:
Once you are happy with the way the site looks let us know. We
want our customers to be happy with their websites so we are going to
keep checking with you until you tell us you are satisfied.
E-mail- all you need to do is check your e-mail if you have it.
Stats- We will send you your stats by e-mail.
You are finished!
Referrals -
Want your Website for FREE?

Are you happy with your site and you want to tell your friends, we want to reward you for your referral. For every referral that signs up and completes the order process, we will credit your account (25%) twenty five percent off your next renewal order. More.
What that means is that with just (4) four referrals that become customers next year you could get your same website for FREE. Or you could upgrade to a larger size with the money you will save.
How will we know. That is easy. We always ask our clients where they heard about us from. If they tell us your referred them you get the credit. What an easy way to get a FREE website.
Making corrections on your site-
One Free Update:
We understand that sometimes you have to make an update or correction to your site for it to remain current and correct. We allow one free update a year just for this kind of emergency. You can change more than one thing, but lets not change the whole website. You can change the whole website at your annual renewal, so please wait until then. Including your annual renewal you get two updates a year.
Renew or Upgrade your site -
Consider upgrading:
It is our hope that you will be so happy with your site that you will want to renew it year after year. Each year you can keep your site as it is or you can change the whole site.
We encourage our customers to consider growing their site each year or two. Start with a one page site and next year grow it to a three page site, follow that with a five page site the next year or the year after that. This growth curve gives you a chance to see what your website users are looking for and the time to develop the content and message you want to get out to them.
It is easy to renew:
If you want to keep the site as it is now, or you only have small changes, all you need to do is pay the yearly fee. And, if you have any referral credits we will apply them to your order.
If you want to upgrade to a larger site then you will also need to complete the website worksheet.

"Still not sure what you want or how to get it, then.."
"...give us a call today we are glad to help."
us for a no obligation consultation.
1 (818) 574-8911