"So you have some ordering questions."
"Let me try and answer them!"

Ordering FAQ's
"Frequently Asked Ordering Questions."
- Q01. How do I get started?
- Q02. How do I 'PAY' for my order?
- Q03. What text do I need for my website?
- Q04. What is my "1 Free Update"?
- Q05. How do I order my Update?
- Q06. Can I get my website stats more often?
- Q07. When do I need to renew my package?
- Q08. How do I renew my package?
- Q09. How do I upgrade or downgrade my package?
- Q10. What happens if I am late about my renewal?
- Q11. How can I get my website cheaper?
- Q12. How do I use my Coupon Code?
A01. How do I get started?
You get started by picking a website size that you think will fit your needs best and then picking a design that you like in that size.
If you are nervous why not start with our smallest size, a one-page website. You can see the various pre-designed layout we have for our Business Card Package right here. If you want to know more about what is included see our Products page.
After that all that is left is to buy the package size you like and complete the worksheet for that size.
A02. How do I 'PAY' for my order?
Once you have picked a website size that you think will fit your needs best, and you are ready to purchase your package then you have a number of choices as to how to pay for your package.
We offer both Google check out and PayPal™ check out. If you are not familiar with these service then you may be more comfortable just call us and letting us take you step by step through the process. Both services are easy to use and some like one more than the other.
With both services you can either click on their button or have us send you an email payment request. If you choose you can also pay for your package by check, call us at 1-800-289-2871 and we will send you an invoice for your order.
Our Order page has more details.
A03. What text do I need for my website?
Instead of starting with a blank screen, you start by selecting the exact template you need. Then use our simple worksheet to tell us the text you want. Our "Order" page has download links for each package's worksheets.
The best text is short and sweet. The thing to consider is that most visitor spend very little time at any given website. Research shows that we are talking about seconds not minutes. That is unless they find what they are looking for, then they may dig deep to figure out if they want to do business with you and if you really have what they are looking for. In fact if you are reading this you must have seen something that caught your interest. The same will be true at your website.
Each of our worksheets has text in it that suggests what you should write in each area of your website. You do not have to do what we suggest, they are just suggestions, but we have years of experience writing copy for the Internet. For more step by step help on completing our worksheets see our Worksheet FAQ's.
Still having trouble we are here to help just give us a call 1-800-289-2871 or for other contact methods see About Us.
A04. What is my "1 Free Update"?
We understand that during the year your website is online you may have some things that change in your business, maybe you add a new phone number, and that change needs to be added to your website. Our "1 free Update" per year gives you the chance to make that change.
You can change more than one item on your page(s) but if the free update is just that a chance to update your page(s) not to change the whole website. Each time we update information on you website it costs us, so we limit you to one a year. But, you can also make changes when you renew your package.
We give you one free update each year because we know you can have the unexpected happen and we want you to keep your page(s) as current as possible. We do not want your customers going to the wrong location if you have moved. If you need more than the one update and it can not wait until you renew your package, then call us and we will give you a quote on what any additional update costs will be.
A05. How do I order my Update?
To order your update just make the changes on the a worksheet for your package. Make sure your contact information is current because if we have any questions we will want to call you.
A change that seems clear and simple to you may not seem so clear and simple to us. The best thing to do is to swipe and paste the section of the website you are changing on to the worksheet page it now appears on. Then paste a second copy right below it. This second copy is the one that you will change. Mark the top one as the "Original" and the other as the "Changed". Make your changes and send it to us. If we have any questions we will contact you according to your preferred contact method.
A06. Can I get my website stats more often?
Yes, but we will need to charge an additional fee. Contact us for what this fee would be.
Some clients want to study their web stats and other don't even know what they are. So the balance we came up with was to send these reports at regular interval depending on the size of the package. With big websites getting them more often. We also take the time to help you understand your web stat report if you need it.
A07. When do I need to renew my package?
Your website will remain up and available online for 1 year from the time you paid for your package. If you want it to remain up and available on the Internet past that point you will need to renew your package. Renewing your website package is easy as long as you renew before your account is delinquent.
Your renewal date comes 2 months before the anniversary of when you purchased your package, or said another way, it is 10 months from the date you purchased your packaged. It is delinquent 11 months from the date you purchased your packaged or 1 month before your anniversary.
Once again, your website remains up the whole year, but if you do not renew we must begin the cancellation process 1 month before the domain needs renewing. The result is that we give you a month to decide to renew before we begin the cancellation process. Once that process is began we can not reverse it. So please do not delay in purchasing your renewal.
We do not have an accounts receivable so it is not enough for you to just tell us that intend to renew, you need to pay for your renewal for us to not cancel your domain name.
A08. How do I renew my package?
If there are no changes to website then you can either use the Google or PayPal™ checkout buttons or send us a check. If you have changes then use our worksheet to tell us the changes you desire. These changes can be as small as a few lines to the whole design. It is always a good idea to keep your site up to date so take this time to freshen up your site. Make sure everything is current.
If the pre-designed website you picked in the beginning is just not working for you any more you can even pick a different pre-designed website. A better plan may be to upgrade to a whole new package. If you want to know more about what you can upgrade to see our Products page.
Also See A10. What happens if I am late about my renewal?
A09. How do I upgrade or downgrade my package?
Just like renewing your website package it is easy 1 month or more before your anniversary to upgrade or downgrade your package.
Upgrading: You will need to buy the new package and because there are changes to your website you will need to complete a new worksheet. But, you do not need to do the existing pages over again. Just give us the text for the new pages. And if you have some changes on the other pages just note those changes as well. If you pick a different website design then we will need all the pages. Layouts can change for design to design.
Downgrading: If you are concerned that your 3 or 5 page site is just costing you too much and you are thinking of just dropping the whole website idea, then why not just downgrade to our 3 page 1 page website package.
When your renewal comes around just purchase the 1 page package and we will downgrade your site to just your contact page. If you have changes you want to make to your contact information then just complete the 1 page worksheet.
The same is true if you are downgrading from a 5 page site to a 3 page site. Use the 5 page worksheet and tell us which pages you wish to keep and which you wish to cut.
Upgrading or downgrading your website package less than 1 month before your anniversary gets more complicated. See A10. What happens if I am late about my renewal?
A10. What happens if I am late about my renewal?
We know your life is busy and that you may be tempted to put off renewing your package. Your renewal date comes 2 months before the anniversary of when you purchased your package, or said another way, it is 10 months from the date you purchased your packaged. It is late after that and it is delinquent 11 months from the date you purchased your packaged or 1 month before your anniversary.
Unlike some domain registration companies we do not hang on to your domain name when it expires. Instead we cancel our order to renew the domain and when its anniversary arrives the domain is released back into the market place. And your website will no longer be operational.
The domain name may appear as unavailable on the actual date of renewal but we no longer have access to the domain. You can check with ICANN for the rules governing domains for more information on what happens to domains that expire.
Once your domain name is released back into the open market it will be a hot commodity. There are many companies that grab up used domain names and use them to host advertising. They want these domain names because these site have been used. This means they are already in search engines and this makes them more likely to get viewers.
In fact we sadly saw this happen to a great website name. A candidate had a website for his campaign that had in its domain name the words "morality" and "candidate". After his election he choose not to keep his domain name and sadly it is now owned by an adult website. This is a terrible end to a good name.
So renew your package before the last month of your year or we cancel it, and you will not be able to renew it. Call us if you have any questions.
A11. How can I get my website cheaper?
Are you happy with your site. Then why not tell your friends. If you do, we want to reward you for your referral. For every referral that signs up, completes the order process, and remains a client for 1 month, we will credit your account (25%) twenty five percent off your next renewal order.
As an example, if you're referral purchases a one page business card web site for $99.00 then we will give you a referral credit of 25% of that purchase which is $24.75.
As another example, if you're referral purchases a three page pamphlet web site for $199.00 then we will give you a referral credit of 25% of that purchase which is $49.75.
As another example, if you're referral purchases a five page
web site for $299.00 then we will give you a referral credit of 25% of
that purchase which is $74.75.
What that means is that with just (4) four referrals that become customers next year could get your same website for FREE. Or you could upgrade to a larger size with the money you will save.
How will we know. That is easy. We always ask our clients where they heard about us from. If they tell us your referred them you get the credit. What an easy way to get a FREE website.
A12. How do I use my Coupon Code?
Coupon Codes work with Google Checkout™ payment and billing service. Just enter the code during the check out process when asked. If you have any problems we will honor the coupon if you have checked out before it expires.
Coupon Codes do not work with PayPal™ if you want to check out with PayPal™ then we will need to either refund you the coupon value or send you an invoice.
Not to be snippy but what if I do not trust you to give me a refund? We understand that you may not want to take a risk on us giving you the refund for the coupon. You can always ask us to send you an invoice and in the invoice we will include the coupon discount if you ask for it. Keep in mind that you need to request the invoice before the coupon expires and pay the invoice within 15 days of the billing date.
How do I get an invoice? You can pay using either Google Checkout, Pay Pal or a check. Just call or e-mail us and tell us which payment method you wish to use. We will issue an invoice to you for that payment method. Include which package you are wanting to purchase be sure to tell us the coupon code if any, as well as the e-mail address you want the invoice sent to.
The invoice should arrive within 1 to 2 business days. With Google it will appear as an image. With Pay Pal it will appear as a text e-mail with a link to the correct page. Our invoice will arrive as a PDF file attachment. Be sure to check your Spam filter as it may get directed there. If you have any problems just call us. We will be happy to assist you.